About Polina Solda
Hi, I am Polina Solda, founder and CEO of Love by Design. I began coaching professional single women in 2010 and have coached thousands of clients individually and in groups to reach their relationship goals and love vision. I’m a master certified coach and the leading Eniostyle expert in the U.S.
My intention is to provide an example of what’s possible in love and life. What makes my approach different is that it’s based on a proven personality-typing system of Eniostyle. I host a highly rated podcast on iTunes: Love by Design.
I was abandoned by my father at birth and raised by a single mother. Witnessing and being impacted by my mom’s mental, emotional, physical and financial struggles, I searched for coping mechanisms. When I discovered the concept of personal growth at the age of 16, I instantly knew it was what I was meant to do with my life.
The journey to my dream life wasn’t easy for me.
Working by my mother’s side at street markets from the age of 12, I realized that if I didn’t prioritize my education, I would be forced to work meager menial jobs all my life.
My commitment, focus and self-discipline in school have paid off—I became the first in my family to graduate from college. I met my first American-born husband in college and we moved to the U.S. together.
Fast forward to a decade later, when I got divorced, denied a job promotion and rejected by all five graduate schools I applied to in Washington, DC, I turned these failures into possibilities for a better future life.
I decided to move to New York City (my “impossible dream”), earn a second Masters’ degree, work at the United Nations and, of course, find love and create a family.
Once I started dating in the big city, I experienced firsthand all of the struggles, roadblocks and challenges (breadcrumbing, ghosting, you name it) most single women go through. I made tons of mistakes and learned some very important lessons along the way.
My entire life changed when I met her dual partner Paul who proposed six months later. Inspired to help other women find love, I left the United Nations to start my coaching business, and shortly after got married and had a baby.
In the last 12 years, I’ve helped thousands of women attract their men faster and easier than ever before (yes, it’s totally possible for you now!)
My life’s vision and mission is to help women to attract their ideal dual partner.
I give you a life-changing tool that will serve you for a lifetime.
Being in a 13-year happy and easy dual relationship, I provide an example of what’s possible in love when you use Eniostyle. When we work together, I’ll teach you how to use Eniostyle so you can discover more of who you really are and who your dual partner is so that you can find, recognize and attract him quickly and easily.